About the Author

I live in southeastern Wisconsin and frequently visit Door County, the setting for my Bea books as well as the Magical Recipes series. Door County is a tourist destination in Wisconsin. I was a special needs teacher for 20 years and worked with many children to help them to manage the social stresses of school.
I also worked training new teachers and helping them get their teaching certification on the job, so I was in a variety of classrooms and saw and worked with many students. I have two children of my own, so I’ve dealt with a lot of different kids and different personalities.
My original inspiration for Bea Yourself came from the Bee Angel, a homemade, beloved, (but sort of unique) Christmas ornament.
The Magical Recipes series came from an interest in cookbooks and cooking, the mystical elements of Door County, and a mind that is always wandering and looking for the wonder in life.